ecibir un diagnóstico de cáncer puede ser una experiencia abrumadora y difícil de asimilar. Es normal sentir una mezcla de emociones, desde miedo y confusión hasta incredulidad y tristeza. Sin embargo, es crucial recordar que no estás solo y que hay pasos que puedes tomar para enfrentar este desafío con la mayor fortaleza posible.
Everything you need to know about chemotherapy
Chemotherapy is a cancer treatment that uses drugs to fight cancer cells in the body. Unlike other treatments, chemotherapy does not focus on a single area of the body, it circulates through the bloodstream, reaching all parts of the body where there may be cancer cells.
Safety pharmacology
The oncology medications, also known as antineoplastic drugs, are medications designed to stop the growth and spread of cancer cells.
Questions that you can do to your doctor to know all the details of your treatment
All patients should be treated with autonomy, beneficence, justice, and without conflict of interest. In addition, as a patient you have the right to know all the details about the medical care you are giving.
NOTI-GENETICS: Constants in the EGFR gene and KRA
A recently published study (S. Sakata-2022) made in a japanese population, using a panel of next-generation sequencing (NGS), we examined > 300 adenocarcinomas of the lung, identified in approximately half of the cases, variants constants in the genes EGFR and KRAS, which provides useful information to study and identify variants in these genes in patients with lung adenocarcinomas.
Research in CCT100
This year, Cancer Center Tec100, formally began the research department. The activities that took place were different and with a lot of involvement of the network of specialists.
NOTI-GENETICS: deleterious Mutations.
Before deleterious mutations, the cell has an efficient repair system through the pathway Repair by Homologous Recombination (HRR), which allows you to repair mutations of the double-stranded, by activating a complex molecular mechanism that includes a team of genes, within which are found mainly BRCA1/2, ATM, PALB2, and RAD51; however, when there is a mutation in any of the genes of this pathway, is set to a Deficiency in the Homologous Recombination (HRD).
What is lymphoma? How do you detect it on time?
Lymphomas are a disease of the blood, there are more than 100 types. Some lymphomas are indolent and can be treated easily, but there are others who are very aggressive and dangerous.
Psycho-oncology as part of the comprehensive care of patients.
By Mariana Sierra For us as psychologists is very important to work with strategies and techniques that are evidence-based. This enables us...
NOTI-GENETICS: Errors or absence in the replication of genes on a daily basis.
It has been estimated that the DNA suffers more than 10,000 variations on a daily basis as a result of errors in the replication, errors in the repair or absence of the same.